I Have BEEN TAGGED by Changlong (u basket..haven you seen me posting it be4..)
Once you've been tagged,you have to write a blog with 6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you.
In the end you need to choose the 5 people to be tagged and list their names.
No tag backs.
1. Do the following without complaining.
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you've completed yours.
3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say that he/she has been tagged.
4. Start your post with "I have been tagged!" then do this.
color: white black..hmm..and white?
food: chocolate and sweets..zzz
song: blink182,christianrock and alot of crappy songs.
movie: click, longest yard
sport: basketball , gaming =x
day of the week: friday, saturday
season: rain or shine.
ice-cream: Vanilla.
mood: tired(after studying..zz)
taste: yakult(green apple)
desktop: HunterXHunter
annoyance: that person who tagged me..Yes YOU.
best friend: crapperstoner' , koksang =PpP
crush: some gal in primary school?
movie: got dinosaur de show bah..zz
music: Blink182!!!!! erm..i mean twinkle twinkle little star =.=
cigarette: I Never even if that canteen lady say i got.zz
drink: yakult...
ride: 190bus
movie: Click
phone call: Junhao.
CD: LOL phone de installing disc
dated one of your best friends: lolz..u mean what?
been arrested: I NEVER BROKE ANY LAWS
dipped: whats that ? =x
been on tv: YES!! everyday i was there infront of it.
kissed someone you don't know: no =.=
4 things you did today: msn , study , sms , crapping
4 sounds you can hear right now: A Little More by Skillet,msn alert,keyboard sound, fan blowing
The Chosen Five to do this:
Fill in the blank yourself..=.=
im sick of this.
10:43 PM
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