Saturday, December 23, 2006

experience from work is precious.
i can do so much more than i expected to do
i can scan stuffs , tag stuffs , even carrying heavy load
day by day , its getting more fun
its fun knowing all my colleagues
they are a bunch of slackers just like me
and they all very hiong
all can do what i cannot do
taking 7 box of soy sauces at 1 go
is the record of the day
i can only do 3-4
and i have body aches nowadays
but its fun
seeing ur biceps grow LOL

7:20 PM

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

really gd
lets bball someday

8:29 PM

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really gd
lets bball someday

8:29 PM

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Monday, December 04, 2006

nowadays been pretty busy
after all , o lvls been over.
tried going out as much as possible be4 settling down for working soon.
didnt really thought of that initially coz i believe strongly that
after new year , job searching shld be much much easier(especially when all the schooling kids get outta ur job searching competition.)

things that been bothering me.
i cant recognize myself in the pic omgomg.
either i been slimming down or i popped too many pimples that even me myself can recognize in anymore.
my thinkings also been kinda more matured...
unlike in the past where 1 simple lame joke could get a conversation going on for hours and such.
i become so clearheaded over stuffs.
i started to drink coffee(a sign of becoming adults.)
even my typing get affected since then.
i deleted my fav games.
i tend to be thinking alot more than usual for stuffs around the tiny island, singapore.
i cant bring myself to really talk like how i did for like half a years ago..?
and the new me isnt what i wanted.
i wanna be what who i was , not who i aspire to be..
i cant even "crap" , "joke" , share what i like.
i made mature comments and i made humour something adult.
i missed the feeling of being me and i missed the days i had being just plainly myself.
is this a process of life? is this signs of growing up?
fuck this life then.

6:53 PM

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Monday, November 20, 2006


11:42 AM

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Saturday, October 21, 2006
Columbus Forever.
was the last day and the best day of schooling(offical)
and i really gotta miss columbus damn lots =(
the 8 innocents

* The Cookies were great but i finish fast , But the Message is in my wallet forever and ever.
Bav - Thanks for being there(online) giving encouragements when i needed them.thank you.
Pris - Although long ago stuffs made us somehow blarblar , i hope we can really forgive and forget each others doings , and therefore i apolgize again (Offical mah xD )
HuiQing&HiuTung - Although u 2 always dun wanna lend me hmwk to copy..i mean references. , im thank u guys for doing the RIGHT thing. LOL
LiWei - Partner! AhBU! Whatever lah , i hereby wishes the best of luck in ur studies and forget that guy as soon as possible hor
Samsiah - hmm hmm. last time sit beside me in sci lessons and even though i always doze off, thanks for the days in columbus.
Yuni - you are one of the most cheerful/Friendly gals i seen, dun get disappointed/disappreciated by anything coz Columbus is always there for you, JUZ STAY happy/cheerful :)
Violet - ok now ur turn, i got alot to say =(
Although in sec3 , we duno each other well and i only got this crzy gal who like to touch my hair.
Somehow, we knew each other alot more and with ShunLi , we formed the Crapper-Stoner Zone
,Lots of Good times there and unstoppable too.You always been there for me(Mentally) and partially there physically but i really appreciate what you have really done for me , such as helping to mix with the class and so. i know u also have the need to socialise along , and i really like to say a BIG thank you and you also had a place in my heart okay? Thank You =)
* you want a stickman?LOL*

the 30 Rowdy Men
theres like 30 friendster testimonials to go -_______-
okie okie
the boys themselves also had a big big impact
on me.
although last year, the boys are separated into sectors
kinda racist and anti-social actions
But , look at now ,we had bonded so GREAT.
And Calling Each other's Father/Mother Names
now look so Fun!?!! =P

I look far enough to see that somehow or someway
This Class
Had Brought me to Know the Inner Me even more
I love Every Single One Of Columbians!!
and we MUST have a Columbus-Reunion Every Year
and Fadhly is right.. 20 yr down the road...what would happen??
hmm hmm...

Photo! Photo!

I Wish//Pray for Everyone to really Achieve well in Their Olvls and remember every single 1 of us no matter what.
* Can i Have a Classlist? =)

Signed off by BEHH
Ava Rep of Columbus'06 =x
Forever a Columbian.

9:13 AM

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Thursday, October 12, 2006
I see sometimes, we have unconsciously allow ourselves to be led by the overriding emotions that arise as a reaction to certain experiences in live. We tend to become a runaway train as a result of being unable to be our own master, but mere slaves to our whimsical feelings, which to begin with is never at a constant. For you see, sometimes, we are friendly and full of love, sometimes we are full of hate and anger. Our hearts are never constant, simply because we allow our actions/reactions to be led by these fickleminded emotions. So, is the angry person you or the friendly person you? Neither. So we should try to be the master of our emotions instead of the other way around. Easier said than done. But by constantly being
mindful when we feel that a negative emotion is welling up, we can gradually keep it in check before it leads us by our noses to problems. That said, it is not about suppressing the emotion, not pretending that we are not feeling that emotion, but by confronting it and acknowledging its existence with our mind's eye. That way with time, we may gradually succeed in the revolution against this evil master.

The Selfish "I"
Why the rise of such negative emotions in the first place? Because all of us put ourselves in the centre of the universe. Because we say to ourselves that my happiness and enjoyment is the most important thing. Because we say that our sufferings have to be eliminated first. Because 'I' and 'MINE' are most important. Because I am I and I am not you. SO now I like to ask, does the satiation of hunger differs between you and that of the begger? Is my toothache worse than your toothache?
The essence lies in the fact that fundamentally all of us are the same, despite our apparent difference in our family background, our education, our financial level, our looks. We are same in that all of us want to rid ourselves from suffering and be happy. All of us dont want to be at the receiving end of unpleasant feelings (sufferings). If all of us are the same, why are we discriminating between you and me? Between, races? Between nationalities? With that in mind, i guess we will become more open, friendly and compassionate to everyone we encounter, because all of us are on the same boat of experiencing inevitable sufferings of mortal lives.

thank you trist..

4:20 PM

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Convinced of my deception
Blessed are the shallow
Depth they'll never find
Seemed to be some comfort
In rooms I try to hide

7:11 PM

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tupid message! Have fun and get peace-off by me&clr=0x000000"> <PARAM NAME=loop VALUE=false> <PARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#FF6600> <embed src="//!!+Finally+a+dummy+scratching+for+my+stupid+message!+Have+fun+and+get+peace-off+by+me&amp;clr=0x000000" loop="false" menu="false" quality="high" bgcolor="#FF6600" width="210" height="150" name="scratchOff" align="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></EMBED> <br><a href="" target="_blank">Create your own message at</a><br>